Monday, April 2, 2012

Literature Analysis Notes

My Literature Analysis book, Death of a Salesman, was pretty good.  It delves into the mind of a middle-class worker in America who tries to achieve the American Dream.  He ultimately fails and commits suicide, seeing as he could never provide for his family or be the man he wanted his son to see him as.  He slowly goes insane throughout the book and talks to memories of people in his life instead of the people who are actually there.  The theme of this book is the disillusionment of the American dream and how this is an unachievable ideal.  This causes a man to become disillusioned with life as he realized he was promised something that could never exist and never existed in the first place.  He can no longer live life based on the fact that he will never become the ideal nuclear family that is shown throughout this time in history.  He realizes that life isn't an ideal and can't live with that.  This ultimately leads to his demise.

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